We’re Giving Horses a Voice with Data
With a system using a combination of sensors, cameras, AI and Machine learning that would be used for analyzing the movement of horses and identify early signs of pain by placing sensors on the horse's body, such as accelerometers, gyroscopes, and magnetometers.
The software will be able to use AI and machine learning to analyze both the movement of the horse and pictures of whole horse for the overall health of the horses physical movement not just when performing.—
Julia Parker
Founder and CEO
Healing with Horses
“There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.”
-Winston Churchill
And I fully agree with that statement although I would amend it to saying more generally horses are good for humans as a whole.
I know through my own personal experience that horses have helped me deal with my own trauma, and my wish is to make that experience available to all people from all walks of life. Although my main focus is on people who have delt with trauma, and more specifically veterans who deal with PTSD, Emergency service workers, women who are recovering from domestic abuse and at risk youth.
Everyone of the above mentioned have been delt and extra hard hand in life and a way for me to meaningfully give back would be to help them get access to therapeutic horses services. With the goal for the them to find their strength and inner peace. That’s the special thing horses are able to do for people they, model being in a very Zen state and help people find that sense of peace by sharing a safe space with such a large and sometimes intimidating animal.
So Intuitive Horseware will donate a percent of sales which will be used to help people gain access to Equine Therapy in whatever way is best suited for the individual.
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